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Posted by on 07/31/2015

簡單酒評 Ardbeg Uigeadail L5


環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English Version at page bottom

Uigeadail 是 Ardbeg 酒款中物值甚高的一款酒,我喝過一個批次,但當時沒有留意是那一批次,那酒是 2011 年中免稅店買入的,應該會是 L10 或 L11 吧。相關酒評見 Ardbeg Uigeadail

這款酒雖則是無陳年標示的標準版,但不同批次間應該總會有點分別,聞說 L5 版,即是 2005 年推出的版本,是其中一個上佳的批次。這 L5 的樣本是代書兄托老友雲尼從台灣送來的,多謝兩位。

Ardbeg Uigeadail, L5, 700 ml, 54.2%

氣味: 煙灰,煙蠔,海水,拖肥,花粉
口味: 朱古力,燻魚,焦木,海鹽,丁香,香葉
餘蘊: 中等長度,燻魚,焦炭,咖啡渣
結論: 氣味上也是煙灰和海產為主,和以些花粉和甜甜的拖肥,和之前喝的差不多。口味方面,也是煙燻油份重的魚,但沒有上一次喝的那麼油,較煙灰,亦沒有那無濃重,較平衡,喝起來較柔和。可能沒有那麼油和黏,餘蘊沒有之前的那麼長,但也是豐富的。兩個批次也好喝,一個濃郁較油,令一個豐富爽淨,對我來說,兩者不分軒輊吧。

English Version of Tasting Note

Uigeadail is one of the best value Ardbeg. I had tasted this whisky before but not noticed which batch was it. I bought it in 2011 from duty free shop that supposed batch L10 or 11.

Though this whisky is a NAS standard bottling, taste may  vary from batch to batch. Heard that L5, i.e. 2005 release is one of the best batches. This sample is a gift from Mr. Kenny Hsu and brought from Taiwan by Winnie. Thank you my friends.

Ardbeg Uigeadail, L5, 700 ml, 54.2%

Nose: Ash, smoked oyster, brine, toffee, bee pollen
Palate: Chocolate, smoked fish, charred wood, sea salt, clove, bay leaf
Aftertaste: Medium length, smoked fish, char coal, coffee grounds
Comment: Nose dominated ashy and seafood, seasoned by bee pollen and candy, similar to previous batch. Still smoked oily fish at palate but lesser grease then previous batch, a bit ashy, lighter, balanced and smoother. Medium length aftertaste, rich. Both batches are very good, one more heavy and oily while another rich and fresh. Two drams drew, I said.

Ardbeg Uigeadail L5

Ardbeg Uigeadail L5

Ardbeg Uigeadail L5

Ardbeg Uigeadail L5

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