Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 03/11/2015

簡單酒評 GlenDronach 21 years 1991 C# 5409


環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English version at page bottom

GlenDronach 的單桶瓶裝,款式之多應該無出其右,連我這居於威士忌沙漠不刻意追求酒款的港燦也喝過兩打以上不同的單桶瓶裝。GlenDronach 的單桶原酒,相比起其他酒廠的出品,可真是款式多價錢不錯的選擇。


GlenDronach 21 years, 1991/2013, Batch 8, C# 5409, 700 ml, 49.8%

氣味: 舊冬蜜,黑糖,葡萄乾,橙皮果醬,黑加倫子果醬,火藥,焦油
口味: 黑加倫子果醬,葡萄乾,朱古力,莫加咖啡,焦油,肉桂,香葉
餘蘊: 中等長度,黑朱古力,黑茶
結論: 濃郁的香氣,主要是乾果和果醬為主,一抹的焦油火藥,喜歡的可視作平衡甜膩之用。豐滿的酒體,黏稠,仍然是乾果和果醬為主的甜蜜,加入甘香的朱古力和咖啡,配上香料,中和過甜的感覺。中等長度的餘蘊,另人舒適的甘醇黑朱古力和茶葉。很厚很重的一款酒,雖甜但有甘苦香料等平衡,不算膩,好喝的,但缺乏細緻感,打個比喻,就像是一位身材豐滿的濃妝 Party 美女,這樣的比喻,會否傳神一點呢?整體評價,正斗的美女….不,是美酒才對。

English Version of Tasting Note

In terms of the variety and price level, GlenDronach should be the best choice in single cask bottling whiskies. I have tasted more than two dozens of different GlenDronach single cask whiskies nevertheless I lived in Hong Kong, where is so-called whisky desert.

Let’s taste a GlenDronach single cask whisky.

GlenDronach 21 years, 1991/2013, Batch 8, C# 5409, 700 ml, 49.8%

Nose: old winter honey, raw sugar, raisin, marmalade, blackcurrant jam, gunpowder, tar
Palate: Blackcurrant jam, raisin, chocolate, mocha, tar, cinnamon,  bay leaf
Aftertaste: Medium length, dark chocolate, black tea
Conclusion: Condense and rich note, mainly dried fruit and jam, touch of firework and tar, you may see it as a balance to sweetness if you like it. Thick body, sticky, still themed by sweetness of dried fruit and jam, favored by  chocolate and coffee, seasoned with spices to neutralize the  sweetness. A rich and heavy dram, sweet but balance by bitterness and spices, powerful and strong in every aspect but lack of detailing, or image a party girl in flashy makeup. However, this is a pretty girl….oh, pretty whisky I mean.

GlenDronach 1991 C# 5409

GlenDronach 1991 C# 5409

GlenDronach 21 years 1991 C# 5409

GlenDronach 21 years 1991 C# 5409


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