Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 06/29/2015

不是台灣噶瑪蘭的 Fino Sherry Whisky But Not Taiwan Kavalan


環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English Version at page bottom

前文介紹過 Auchentoshan 的兩款威士忌,分別是 Bordeaux Cask Matured 1999 及  Valinch 2011 Release。我現在要介紹的,是較為特別的桶陳酒款。10

Auchentoshan 1998/2010, European Oak Fino Sherry Barrels, 700 ml, 54.6%

Fino Sherry cask 很面熟吧,現在很多人知道這種酒桶,應該要多得台灣金車噶瑪蘭的 Kavalan Solist Fino Sherry Cask 威士忌,港人對台灣威士忌,可能比蘇格蘭低地的更熟識了吧。如讀者對 各種 Sherry 及噶瑪蘭 Fino cask 桶陳的威士忌有興趣,可參閱“最貴的台灣噶瑪蘭威士忌“一文,於此不重覆了。

喝喝這蘇格蘭低地的 Fino cask 威士忌怎麼樣吧。

氣味: 黃萁類的中藥,乾棗,蜜糖,酵母,拖肥
口味: 多士,蜜炙中藥,乾棗,牛奶朱古力,啡糖
餘蘊: 中等長度,黑朱古力,焦糖
結論: 有一股帶甘甜的中藥氣味,沒有突兀感,隨後有乾棗及甜點的甜蜜香氣,一抹酵母的氣息,帶來點點特色。酒體厚實,仍然是那中藥加乾棗的味道,有加糖的咖啡,好喝的。中等長度的餘蘊,甘甜的黑朱古力,很不錯。這款酒著實很好喝,層次佳,平衡好,甘甜有致,亦有些特色但不會令人有違和感的味道,正斗之作。

English Version of Tasting Note

I have previously shared the tasting notes of  two whiskies from Auchentoshan, namely Bordeaux Cask Matured 1999 and Valinch 2011 Release respectively. I am now introduced a rather special one.

Auchentoshan 1998/2010, European Oak Fino Sherry Barrels, 700 ml, 54.6%

Many Hong Kong whisky lovers now know about Fino Sherry cask. The popular of Taiwan Kavalan whisky in Hong Kong contributed the most. They may know well about Taiwanese whiskies more than those from traditional Scottish Lowlands. For more about  Kavalan Fino cask whisky, please refer to this article “The Most Expensive Taiwan Kavalan Whisky“.

Let’s taste this traditional Lowland whisky.

Nose: Chinese herb, dried date, honey, yeast, toffee
Palate: Toast, honey baked Chinese herb, dried date, mike chocolate, brown sugar
Aftertaste: Medium, dark chocolate, caramel
Conclusion: The sweet Chinese herb did not bring odd favour under nose, followed by sweetness of dried fruit and candy, a touch of yeast seasoning the profile. Full body, still sweet herb plus dried date, sweeten coffee, good taste. Medium length aftertaste, balance sweet and bitter caramel and dark chocolate, pretty good. A very good whisky, layered, well balancing, rich in favour, some characteristics but harmony, a lovely lowland malt.

Auchentoshan 1998/2010, European Oak Fino Sherry Barrels

Auchentoshan 1998/2010, European Oak Fino Sherry Barrels

Auchentoshan 1998/2010, European Oak Fino Sherry Barrels

Auchentoshan 1998/2010, European Oak Fino Sherry Barrels

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