威士忌大盜 Auchentoshan Valinch Whisky Thief
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English Version at page bottom
我在前文約略介紹過 Auchentoshan 這低地酒廠及其一款威士忌,低地這傳統產區,盛極而衰,現在有三間新酒廠加入,分別是 Ailsa Bay,Daftmill 和 Annandale。雖則一時未能回復以往的熱鬧,但按數學算式的展示,酒廠數量多了一倍,看上去也不錯吧。我現在介紹另一款的 Auchentoshan 威士忌吧。
Auchentoshan Valinch 2011 Release, 700 ml, 57.5%
這款酒據說是應"粉絲"要求,希望喝到原汁原味的 Auchentoshan,酒廠方面就將於 2008 年推出的入門版 Classic 配方以桶裝濃度裝瓶,造就出這款酒。酒名的 Valinch 是酒廠於酒桶取酒試酒用的管子工具名稱,這東西還有一個調皮的名字 “Whisky Thief"。
這款酒是 ex-Bourbon 陳年,是年青酒款。酒友給我的樣本是 2011 年第一版,隨後還有 2012 年的第二版。順帶一提,這款酒曾獲 World Whiskies Awards 2012 – Best Lowland No Age Statement。
氣味: 檸檬皮,冰糖,海綿蛋糕,乾花,香草
口味: 檸檬皮果醬,乾花,紅茶,奶油,餅乾
餘蘊: 中等長度,下了糖的黑咖啡,柑橘皮
結論: 氣味清新爽脆,清香的檸檬皮,配上甜甜的鬆蛋糕,還有點點的乾花香氣,多一杯紅茶,就是一場下午茶了。酒體有力,有點刺激感,還是檸檬皮的調子,這回有紅茶了,終於有一頓甜點下午茶了。中等長度的餘蘊,加了黑咖啡,令這下午茶更豐富了。這款酒是我垂直品飲的第三款了,到目前為止,我覺得它們有一共同特點,就是終頭到尾其風味都很一致,好的是喝上去不會有違和感,但亦可說是有點單一,但綜合已言是很易喝亦討人歡喜。說回這款酒,飲得過的。
English Version of Tasting Note
I have briefly introduced Auchentoshan and one of its whisky in the previous article. In Lowland, whisky production was used to a blooming industry but was declining over the decades and once left only three distilleries survived. There are now six distilleries operating in Lowland. The growth is double that the figures look good in mathematics expressions, despite of that the golden era might not be reviving in foreseeable future. I now introduce nex Auchentoshan whisky.
Auchentoshan Valinch 2011 Release, 700 ml, 57.5%
The creation of this whisky is responded to the voices from the fans of the distillery. They demanded for an original taste of Auchentoshan. The Auchentoshan Valinch is simply the cask strength version of Auchentoshan Classic which is an introductory class bottling introduced to Auchentoshan standard series in 2008.
The name “Valinch" is in fact a tube for drawing sample from barrel for tasting. It has a nickname, “Whisky Thief", quite an interesting name.
This is a young refill-Bourbon aged whisky. This sample is from the first release 2011 and there is a subsequent release 2012. For information, it won World Whiskies Awards 2012 – Best Lowland No Age Statement.
Nose: Lemon zest, rock sugar, sponge cake, dried flower, vanilla
Palate: Lemon peel jam, dried flower, red tea, cream, biscuit
Aftertaste: Medium length, sweeten black coffee, citrus peel
Conclusion: Crisp note, fresh lemon zest, paired with soft cake, decorated with dried flower, an afternoon tea if there is a cup of tea. Full body, a bit alcohol burnt, still tone of lemon peel but a cup of tea here, a full set afternoon tea.Medium length aftertaste, black coffee refill, make this afternoon tea rich. This is the third in this vertical tasting. I found they have a common characteristic which the favors are consistent from nose to throat. Good balance and appealing though feeling of little bit flat.