Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 10/30/2014

最貴的台灣噶瑪蘭威士忌 The Most Expensive Taiwan Kavalan Whisky


環球美酒, 盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English version at page bottom

台灣金車酒廠的噶瑪蘭 Solist 系列, 有一款酒賣得特別貴, 幾近是其他酒款的一倍價錢. 這款可算是噶瑪蘭標準酒款中最貴的酒, 就是 Solist Fino. 波本桶你懂, 雪莉桶也識, 連較少見的葡萄酒桶也有了, 那 Fino  是甚麼東西?

Fino 也者, 還不就是雪莉桶. 要說雪莉桶陳威士忌, 還是先要有些雪莉酒的基本了解. 雪莉酒是西班牙的"國酒", 是一種強化(加烈)葡萄酒 fortified wine, 即是在葡萄酒的釀造過程中, 加入高酒精度的烈酒, 以中止發酵保留糖份製成甜酒, 又或用以長期保存並於陳年期間增添風味.雪莉酒按釀造, 調配和風味上可分成很多不同的種類, 主要的有 Fino, Amontillado, Oloroso 和 Sweet Sherry. 我不在此逐款介紹了, 有興趣的讀者, 可參閱以下相關文章.
Fino (Hi Sherry~ Nice to meet you!)
Amontillado (二八年華俏雪莉)
Oloroso (中女雪莉)
Sweet Sherry (甜美的十七歲西班牙姑娘 Sherry)

一般最常見標示於威士忌酒標的雪莉桶, 是 Oloroso 和 Pedro Ximénez (PX, sweet Sherry), 賦予威士忌香濃甜美的滋味, 尤其是後者的 PX 甜酒桶。 其實 Amontillado 也會用到, 只是酒標未必有標示. Fino Sherry 酒桶陳年的威士忌, 比較起之前提及的三種雪莉桶陳的, 也的確是較少見。 Fino Sherry 的風味是清脆雅淡, 和 Amontillado, Oloroso 及 PX 有很大的分別, 我相信桶陳出來的威士忌, 應該也會有所差別吧。

Kavalan Solist Cask Strength, Fino Sherry Cask, C# S060814034, B# 259/518, 700 ml, 57%

氣味: 葡萄乾,無花果乾,乾花,葡萄糖粉,朱古力橙餅
口味: 無花果乾,拖肥,咖啡,肉桂,焦糖
餘蘊: 中等長度,黑咖啡,焦木,烘焦麵包
結論: 起初有點酒精感,但隨後稍退,香甜的葡萄乾和無花果乾,清香的乾花,有小時侯喝的得力素葡萄糖的氣味。酒體厚實,雖然有甜美的無花果乾和拖肥, 但尾段稍乾,和餘蘊一樣的偏焦苦。氣味濃郁,有點酒精感,不算複雜,但結實純淨,酒體有力,很不錯的層次感,餘蘊亦然。很喜歡那香甜的無花果乾,充滿於氣味和口中,不是大鳴大放的風格,要細味,記著,開瓶後要放多點時間才好喝的。

English Version of Tasting Note

There is a bottling hanging a rather high price tag in the Taiwan King Car Distillery’s Kavalan Solist series. It’s price is almost double to other Solist members. The Solist Fino, the most expensive whisky in Kavalan standard bottling series. You know about the whiskies aged in Bourbon cask, Sherry butt and even wine barrel. Do you know about the Fino?

The answer is simple. Fino is a member in Sherry family. There are many types of Sherry, classified by making, blending and styles. Most common Sherries are Fino, Amontillado, Oloroso and sweet sherry. Fino Sherry is the lightest and crispy in favour, while Amontillado is medium oxidized, heavily oxidized Oloroso and sweet Pedro Ximénez (PX).

The Oloroso and sweet Pedro Ximénez (PX) are most commonly seen on whisky label. In fact Amontillado cask is also used for aging whisky. However, Fino Sherry cask is rarely seen on whisky label. The style of Fino Sherry is quite different from mentioned other three that I supposed the aged whisky is also tasted different.

Kavalan Solist Fino, C# S060814034, B# 259/518, 700 ml, 57%

Nose: Raisin, dried fig, dried flower, powdered glucose, chocolate and orange biscuit
Palate: Dried fig, toffee, coffee, cinnamon, caramel
Aftertaste: Medium length, black coffee, burnt wood, overdone toast
Conclusion: Alcohol attack at the beginning but disperse later, sweet dried fig, fragrance of dried flower, and dextrose my childhood impression。Thick body, sweet dried fig and toffee but rather dried afterward, roast and bitterness last to aftertaste. Rich on nose, strong body, good layer, clean and firm ,though not really complex and some alcohol feel on nose, overall comment very good.  Love the dried fig on nose and in mouth. Not a big whisky, need time for breathing, good chewing dram.

Kavalan Solist Cask Strength, Fino Sherry Cask

Kavalan Solist Cask Strength, Fino Sherry Cask

Kavalan Solist Cask Strength, Fino Sherry Cask,

Kavalan Solist Cask Strength, Fino Sherry Cask,


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