卸妝美人 Glenfiddich 30 Years Natural Look Beauty
環球美酒, 盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉 www.sippingmalt.com
English version at page bottom
繼續兩益的 Glenfiddich Whisky Dinner 的酒款介紹, 繼 Core Range 最高級的 Glenfiddich 21 years Gran Reserva, 當晚提供最高年份的酒款, 就是 Glenfiddich Rare and Vintage 系列的 Glenfiddich 三十年陳, 當晚侍應還主動添酒, 主辦單位真是誠意可嘉. (唔, 有點鱔味了….XDDD)
當晚提供的三十年陳酒款, 是 2010 年開始推出的版本, 由 Oloroso Sherry 雪莉桶陳和 Bourbon 波本桶陳的原酒調配而成. 無論從陳年和價格上來看, 這款酒是屬於高等級別. 高等級別….那, 酒質呢? 一喝便知龍與鳳, 喝吧!
Glenfiddich 30 years, 700 ml, 43%
氣味: 菸草, 皮革, 蜜糖, 乾棗, 拖肥, 柑橘皮
口味: 椰子糖, 花椒, 黑棗, 黑咖啡, 拖肥
餘蘊: 中等長度, 咖啡粉, 焦木
結論: 氣味爽淨, 起初淡薄, 但放久了變得豐富, 甚佳的複雜度, 菸草和皮革賦予年月的感覺, 此外, 氣味是越來越甜的. 中等酒體, 柔軟, 沒有氣味上的甜但較焦香, 亦多了香料的味道. 輕軟舒適的餘蘊. 一款複雜有層次的酒, 豐富, 柔順,雖則對我等粗人來說是過於柔和, 但整體來說這是一款好酒. 這款酒需要時間等待, 靜侯她卸妝後展現的原本美態. 對了, 這款酒以酒質來說, 也是屬於高等級別的.
English Version of Tasting Note
Glenfiddich 30 years old is belonging to the Rare and Vintage series of Glenfiddich. The bottling I now introduced is the new version which was firstly released in 2010, blended from whiskies aged in Oloroso Sherry and Bourbon casks. It is a premium class of whisky, in terms of its age and price. Premium class….how about the quality? Let’s drink!
Glenfiddich 30 years, 700 ml, 43%
Nose: Tobacco, leather, honey, dried date, toffee, orange peel
Palate: Coconut sugar, prickly ash, black date. black coffee, toffee
Aftertaste: Medium length, coffee grounds, burnt wood
Conclusion: Clean note, weak and light at beginning, getting rich over time, good complexity, tobacco and leather impress old age feeling, yes, getting sweet over time, too. Medium body, soft, lesser sweet but roast, spicy. Soft and comfortable aftertaste. Complex and layered, rich and soft, though too soft to me, very good overall. It needs time for her to undress and worthy to wait for revealing her beauty. Yes, it is a premium whisky in terms of quality as well.