享受差異 Enjoy the differences
環球美酒, 盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉 www.sippingmalt.com
English version at page bottom
前文說到第二次喝南投酒廠 TTL 單一麥芽威士忌, 再喝波本桶陳的, 比第一次喝同期的 139 號桶好喝, 那雪莉桶陳的又如何呢?上次喝的 847 號桶, 甚為好喝, 現在喝喝也是同期的 916 號桶吧.
TTL Nantou Sherry Cask 2009/2014, C# 916, 700 ml, 52.9%
Cask type: Sherry
Distilled: May 2009
Bottled: January 2014
Bottle no.: 007/246
氣味: 乾棗,拖肥,肉桂,朱古力蛋糕,蜜餞梅子
口味: 牛奶朱古力,莫卡咖啡,多士,丁香,肉桂
餘蘊: 悠長,焦木,烘焦蛋糕
結論: 氣味不算濃郁,甜美的乾果和甜點為主調,有點香料調劑,酒精味較明顯。酒體強橫,有刺激感,甘香的朱古力咖啡,更多的香料,有點辛辣感。算是長的餘蘊,更偏焦香。氣味稍淡,有點酒精感,基礎不錯的,但入口的刺激感有點過火,不過口味尚佳的,餘蘊很不錯,甘香耐嚼。整體上味道不錯,但氣味及口味的刺激感有損平衡,綜合評價,飲得過。這次的結果和波本桶陳的相反, 上次的 847 號桶較佳. 同期的酒有不同的表現, 你可以說是質素不穩定, 但喝單一麥芽威士忌, 尤其是單桶的, 就是要喝出彼此間不同的變化, 這就是喝單一麥芽威士忌的樂趣哦. 調合威士忌年復年的批次口味變化不大, 你說是穩定, 但亦可說是沉悶呢.
English Version
I have mentioned my second opportunity of tasting a Bourbon barrel matured TTL single malt whiskies of Taiwan Nantau Distillery in my previous article, which is better than my firstly tried Cask 139 of the same lot. Now I try the Sherry cask matured Cask 916 to see any differences from previously tasted Cask 847. Cask 847 is very good and it is belonged to the same lot with Cask 916.
TTL Nantou Sherry Cask 2009/2014, C# 916, 700 ml, 52.9%
Cask type: Sherry
Distilled: May 2009
Bottled: January 2014
Bottle no.: 007/246
Nose: Dried date, toffee, cinnamon, chocolate cake, preserved plum. Palate: Milke chocolate, Café Mocha, toast, clove, cinnamon Aftertaste: Long, burnt wood, roast cake Conclusion: Moderate strong of smell, main theme is sweet dried fruit and dessert, seasoned with spice, noticeable alcohol. Strong body, offensive, aromatic chocolate and coffee, much more spicy and hot. Rather long aftertaste, more trend to roast favour. A bit light while alcoholic on nose, and aggressive in mouth that shows imbalance, but the profile of aromas and taste structure are good indeed. The overall comment is good. The outcome between two Sherry cask matured TTLs are different from the pair of Bourbon cask matured TTLs. The previous Cask 847 is better. The whiskies from the same lot but tasted differently. You may say that it is inconsistence of quality but somehow we enjoy to taste the differentiation among the single malts whiskies, especially those single casks. You may say that blended whiskies are consistent in favours over the years but in contrast they tasted boring.