Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 10/3/2014

再遇台灣南投威士忌 Meet Again the Taiwan Nantou Whisky


環球美酒, 盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English version at page bottom

我在"台灣南投酒廠“一文中介紹過台灣的南投酒廠及他們的其中一款酒, 在隨後的另一篇文章"南投酒廠 – 台灣自釀威士忌的新一章“中, 介紹了他們劃破性的新作, 台灣自釀的單一麥芽威士忌,在推出了之後, 在市場引起了一陣哄動.

南投酒廠 TTL 的麥芽威士忌是不容易買得到的, 一年只發售數次, 除了少數的團體和酒專包桶外, 一般人要買還得留意開賣日期, 早早親身到酒廠排隊購買. 早前有台灣酒友來港進行威士忌沙漠考察, 帶了一對 TTL 的單一麥芽威士忌樣本給我, 要知道這東西是得來不易的, 多謝. 話說這位台灣酒友大隻佬 Andrew, 有港燦流晒口水的台妹不要, 卻交了位香港女孩做女友, 令人大感驚奇, 但如果你知道她是位樣靚身材正無港女病的索女, 你會明白的 (證供來自當事人口述和面書照片).

這些機會不是屬於我們的, 還是喝酒吧, 先喝波本桶陳的吧.

TTL Nantou 南投 Bourbon Cask 2009/2014, C# 091, 700 ml, 54.6%
Cask type: Bourbon
Distilled: May 2009
Bottled: January 2014
Bottle no.: 032/168

氣味: 新鮮木材,香草,鮮割蜜糖,白麵包,白胡椒
口味:  柑橘,木材,白胡椒,黑咖啡,焦糖
餘蘊: 中等長度,柑橘皮,木質,咖啡渣
結論: 很清新的木材和香草,很香甜的蜜糖,像剛從蜂巢採出來似的,有點留有酵母味的白麵包,點點白胡椒平衡。酒體有力,油潤,沒有氣味上的甜,有水果的味道,多了份焦香。中等長度的餘蘊,有果皮及木質的甘苦,耐嚼。氣味很甜蜜,亦有自然氣息,不過甜,酒體油潤有力,各方面平衡的不錯,餘蘊較重身但不過火,很好喝的波本桶陳原酒,比第一次喝的 139 桶好, 正斗。


English Version

I have previously introduced Nantou Distillery of Taiwan and one of their whiskies, and followed by their breakthrough product, the single malt whisky completely made and matured in Taiwan. The news of the launch of their first single malt whisky stirred the market.

The Nantou TTL Single Malt Whiskies are unavailable on retail markets, except for those owner casks for local association and retailer. Whisky lovers have to pay attention to distillery’s notice for release date of new batch and queue at the distillery in the early hours for purchase. A friend of mine who is a Taiwanese visited Hong Kong for exploring his project “Whisky in Hong Kong" and bought me a pair of samples of TTL single malt whisky. You know TTL single malt whisky is difficult to get. Thank you, Andrew.

Let’s try the Bourbon cask at first.

TTL Nantou Bourbon Cask 2009/2014, C# 091, 700 ml, 54.6%
Cask type: Bourbon
Distilled: May 2009
Bottled: January 2014
Bottle no.: 032/168

Nose: Fresh wood, vanilla, honey fresh from honeycomb, white bread, white pepper
Palate: Citrus, woody, white pepper, black coffee, caramel
Aftertaste: Medium length, orange peel, woody, coffee grounds
Conclusion: Fresh aroma of wood and vanilla, sweet honey, like just extract from honeycomb, white bread with yeast leftover, balanced by white pepper. Strong body, oily, not as sweet as nose, taste of fruit and roast. Medium length aftertaste, chewing bitterness of fruit peel and wood. Sweet nose and breath of nature, rich and oily body, well balancing of each aspect, strong favor in aftertaste but not overwhelming. A good whisky of Bourbon cask, better than my firstly tasted TTL cask 139, very good.

TTL Nantou 南投 Bourbon Cask 2009 C#091

TTL Nantou 南投 Bourbon Cask 2009 C#091

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