Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 10/27/2011


早前喝過一瓶一公升的 Ardbeg 10 years L8  版,評價甚佳,以下這瓶是 L5 版,是確定被 Glenmorangie 收購前蒸餾的了,兩個不同批次的同款酒,其酒質會有很大的分別嗎?


Ardbeg 10 years, L5, 1 ltr, ABV 46%

氣味: 果香,煙灰,堅果,碘酒,海風
口味: 花蜜,煙灰,堅果,海水,消毒藥水,烤咖啡豆
餘蘊: 中等長度,黑咖啡,堅果,海水
結論: 風格和  L8 差無幾,不過煙灰味較重,海洋風味亦濃,焦苦味略輕,入口亦柔順,泥煤怪中算輕鬆易喝。在素質和風格上兩者其實非常相近,不過喝下來亦是有一定的分別,有機會找一瓶較新版,確定由 Glenmorangie 收購後才釀造的 Ardbeg Ten 喝喝,以了解新舊改革前後的分別。同款酒卻有不同風味,你可以說是素質控制不穩定,但對不少威士忌飲家來說這可是單一麥芽威士忌的好玩之處啊!


  1. Pomero兄,

    Got indulged and fascinated with whisky since last year …. am now trying different things to broaden my knowledge and train my sense (nose and palate)…a long way of exciting and fun learning ahead.

    It s a pleasure to read your lively and yet informative articles, from which I’ve learnt a lot.

    I have a simple question here. You often mention “lot number" of each bottle. Where can I know this information from the bottle I ‘ve brought? Is it usually printed in the label or what?

    • Thank you.

      I just share my experience with all whisky lovers via this platform. We learnt from each others.

      The issue about the “lot" numbers or batch numbers, I have answered in your another feedback post.

  2. 之前已試了Laphroaig 10, 也很欣賞那消毒藥水味及煙燻味. 比較Ardbeg, 後者同樣有强烈藥水, 煙燻, 但層次感更强, 香甜很飽滿.兩支也是好酒, 但Ardbeg較優勝一點, 但相對價錢也高一點

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