Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 02/12/2015

玩不完的遊戲 Never Ending Game


環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English version at page bottom

我在前文分別介紹了羽生 Hanyu 的 Game 1, Game 2Game 3, 現在到了我手上的最後一款 Game 4 了。其實 Game 系列已出到第五版,我相信仍然會再有新版的,當然亦會有完結的一日。可是這世上還有總類繁多的威士忌,來自不同的國家,不同的產區,不同的酒廠,不同的製程,不同的酒桶,不同的調配,不同的陳年,林林種種的不同變數交織起來,造就出千變萬化不同口味個別風格的生命之水,威士忌可真是玩不完的遊戲,令人玩味一生哦。

也順帶說一說 Game 4 的酒標,主題是火槍射擊比賽,那參賽者腰間繫有一瓶 Game 3,作為 Game 與 Game 酒標之間的連繫。

Hanyu 羽生 Game 2000/2012, Game Four, C# 9805, 700 ml, 59%
Cask: Rum wood finish
Nos. of bottle: 232

氣味: 葡萄乾,乾木頭,塑膠,甘草,土檸皮
口味: 糖柑桔,紅燈籠椒, 菠蘿,火藥,柑橘皮
餘蘊: 稍短,乾及鮮柑橘皮
結論: 這款酒的基調和前三款很近似,多多少少有點碳氫化合物和硫化物的味道,但不算是缺憾。這款酒有較多的柑橘元素,從氣味到餘蘊都有,但只是點綴,不搶味。Game 4 整體上較多果味,少了些烤炙的焦香元素,不複雜,算細緻,也是正斗的。

English Version of Tasting Note

I have previously introduced Game 1, Game 2 and Game 3, and now turn to the finale of this episode,  Game 4. In fact the current release of Game is the fifth edition and I believed there would have further releases, though it will end someday. Indeed there are many different whiskies in the world, coming from different countries, different districts, different distilleries, different productions, different barrels, different blending, different aging, and all these variables intermingle countless distinctive aqua vitae. Whisky is a never ending game for life.

Now we back to this Game 4. The main theme of label is musket shooting contest, showing a bottle of Game 3 hanging at the waist of the player, which expresses the linkage amongst Games’ label.

Nose: Raisin, dry wood, plastic. licorice ,Chinese lime peel
Palate: Preserved mandarin, red bell pepper, pineapple, firework, citrus peel
Aftertaste: A bit short, dried and fresh mandarin peels
Conclusion: The baseline is quite similar to the previous three Games, somehow hints of hydrocarbon and sulfide, but not account to a defect. This dram has more citrus elements but just to adorn, fruity, lesser roasted and tar favors, not too complex but detailing, a good whisky.

Hanyu 2000 Game Four C# 9805

Hanyu 2000 Game Four C# 9805

Hanyu 2000 Game Four C# 9805

Hanyu 2000 Game Four C# 9805

Hanyu 2000 Game Four C# 9805

Hanyu 2000 Game Four C# 9805

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