簡單酒評 Lagavulin 12 years 2013 Bottled
環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉 www.sippingmalt.com
English version at page bottom
Lagavulin 12 years, Bottled 2013, 700 ml, 55.1%
之前介紹過同款 2011 年裝瓶的版本,且喝喝這 2013 裝瓶的有沒有大分別吧。
氣味: 煙燻,花蜜,煙蠔,拖肥,檸檬皮,甘草
口味: 煙灰,柑橘皮,黑朱古力,咖啡,烤炙橡木,多士
餘蘊: 中等長度,咖啡渣,香料
結論: 這版本喝起來和之前喝的有分別,2011 年版有明顯海洋風味和蜜甜,但這 2013 年版卻是較焦香。氣味濃而不烈,清脆細緻,酒體結實有層次,餘蘊焦香中見爽凈,整體表現上佳。這有可能是我個人口味上的變化造成差異,但單一麥芽威士忌,就是好玩在不同批次上總有變化,每次喝都會有驚喜呢。
English Version of Tasting Note
To those different batches and bottlings of the whisky in same expression, and which background had been introduced previously, a simple tasting note is just fine.
Lagavulin 12 years, Bottled 2013, 700 ml, 55.1%
I had introduced its previous batch of 2011 bottled in my previous article (sorry that no English version). Let’s taste this 2013 bottling to see any differences.
Nose: Smoking, nectar, smoked oyster, toffee, lemon peel, licorice
Palate: Ash, citrus peel, dark chocolate, coffee, roasted oak, toast
Aftertaste: Medium length, coffee grounds, spicy
Conclusion: This 2013 version is quite different from my previous tasted 2011 version. The later has more ocean elements while the former is tended to toasty and smoky.Rich on nose but not harsh, crisp and details, solid body and layered, firm and roasted aftertaste, very good performance. The taste differences may be resulted from my personal judgment deviation but the fact that certain favors’ difference exists in individual batch of the same single malt whisky and it is the fun that every bottle of whisky brings you surprise.