再三遊戲 Game Play Over and Over Again
環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉 www.sippingmalt.com
English version at page bottom
我在前文分別介紹了羽生 Hanyu 的 Game One 及 Game Two 後, 現在要介紹的, 當然就是 Game Three 了。
Hanyu 羽生 2000/2012, Game Three, C# 360, 700 ml, 57.5%
Cask type: Red Oak Heads Hogshead Finish
No. of bottle: 309
用作 Game Three 陳年的木桶, 和 Game Two 一樣, 前段未有提及, 過桶則是 Red Oak Heads Hogshead Finish, 即是將 hogshead 的頂端和底端木板換上 red oak。那, red oak 即是甚麼呢? 這款酒桶的 red oak, 就是 Quercus Rubra, 又稱為 northern red oak 或 champion oak。各位讀者請留意, 這 red oak Quercus Rubra, 可不是陳年威士忌常用的歐洲紅橡木製雪莉桶的 Quercus Robur, 兩個名字很相似, 我驟眼一看也幾乎看錯。 Quercus Rubra 一般用於傢俱和地板製作的原材料, 甚少用於製作陳年酒類的的木桶之用, 因為這種橡木的毛細孔(Pore)比較開放, 少有填充體(Tyloses), 用於做酒桶存酒的話, 會較易漏酒。
說過木桶, 也說一說酒標吧。
前文說過 Game 的酒標會有前一版酒標的元素在內, 這款 Game Three 的酒標, 是描述出現於 Game Two 酒標上的紋身東瀛漢子, 左手高舉一瓶 Game Two, 右手作壓制狀, 地面伏著一個類人生物, 真是不知道他們玩的是甚麼"遊戲"。後來翻查資料, 才知到他們是在"玩"相撲。算吧, 藝術呢家野, 我地真係識條鐵咩(香港地道語), 還是專心喝酒吧。
氣味: 塑膠, 煙火, 咖啡, 牛奶朱古力, 蜜柑, 消毒藥水
口味: 塑膠, 菠蘿, 冰糖, 柑橘皮, 紙皮, 朱古力
餘蘊: 中等長度,乾柑皮,烤木頭
結論: 氣味上帶點果甜, 有優質咖啡和朱古力的香氣, 伴隨著有機化合物的氣味, 但沒有違和感。酒體強勁有力,但不刺激, 比氣味上多了些水果元素, 還是有些塑膠和紙皮等非食物味道。中等長度的餘蘊, 有甘醇的果皮和焦香的味道。十分不錯的一款酒, 味道多元化, 雖則有些並不是人人會欣賞, 但整體上配合得頗和諧, 正斗的好酒。
English Version of Tasting Note
I have introduced Hanyu’s Game One 及 Game Two in previous articles and now the Game Three eventually.
Hanyu 2000/2012, Game Three, C# 360, 700 ml, 57.5%
Cask type: Red Oak Heads Hogshead Finish
No. of bottle: 309
There is no information about the barrel for first session’s aging but the finishing is Red Oak Heads Hogshead, i.e. replaced the top and bottom of original hogshead with red oak plates. The so-called red oak is Quercus Rubra, common names northern red oak and champion oak. Please note that this red oak Quercus Rubra is not that Quercus Robur which is commonly used for production of Sherry casks for aging whisky. Their names look very similar. Quercus Rubra is usually used as materials of making furniture and wooden floor. It is rarely used in making barrels for aging wines and spirits. Its wide-open pore in the growth rings and lacking of tyloses cause the tendency to leak if it used as materials of wine and spirit barrel.
Let’s change the topic to its label.
I have mentioned in the previous article that the label of Game does include some elements from the label of previous release. The label of Game Three, describes a tattooed Japanese male who had been appeared in the label of Game Two, holding a bottle of Game Two with his left hand and posting a repressing gesture by his right hand, facing a humanoid creature laying on the ground. I was really unable to imagine what “Game" were they playing. After checking the information, I realized that they were “playing" Sumo, a Japanese style wrestling. You know? This is art. I think I do better drink my whisky….
Nose: Plastic, fireworks, coffee, milk chocolate, satsuma orange, disinfectant
Palate: Plastic, pineapple, rock sugar, mandarin peel, carton, chocolate
Aftertaste: Medium length, dried mandarin peel, roasted wood
Conclusion: Fruit note, paired with fine coffee and chocolate, though accompanying with smell of chemicals, no offensive or imbalance feeling. Powerful at palate but not irritating, fruity than nose, plastic and carton those inedible substances persisting. Medium length aftertaste, mild bitterness of dried mandarin peel roasted wood. Rich in favor though some of the elements not appreciated by most people, harmony in portfolio, a good whisky indeed.