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Posted by on 09/18/2014

遍尋不獲二號桶 Error – Cask 2 Not Found


 環球美酒, 盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English version at page bottom

老友早前送了一份樣本給我, 是來自二號桶的 1993 年格籣多納.

GlenDronach 1993 C# 2

GlenDronach 1993 C# 2

1993 年的二號桶, 應該是重用桶號吧. 沒有酒精度等的重要資料, 上網搜索, 完全找不到這款酒的資料. 後來再問老友, 查詢之下得知是私人包桶, 沒有公開流出市場, 所以其資料遍尋不獲. 包桶這玩意, 可不是我等窮 L 可玩得起的, 有酒喝便喝吧.

GlenDronach 19 years, 1993/2013, C# 2, 700 ml, 52.8%

氣味: 乾棗,帶甘甜中藥,甘草,薄荷,輕淡的硫化物,拖肥,鹹肉,紅蘋果
口味: 黑朱古力,黑茶,火藥,焦油,草灰,鹹肉,紅糖
餘蘊: 稍長,焦香咖啡,黑茶,焦木
結論: 濃郁的黑棗香甜香氣,近似黃岐的蜜炙類和甘涼的中藥,有硫化物的氣味,但不討厭,甜膩的拖肥繼後,尾段有點鹹鹹的肉味,有點果味平衡。酒體有力,但柔順,很有焦香和硫化物的味道。餘蘊稍長,更為焦香和甘苦。很有趣的一款就,有點像喝輕井澤,氣味非常好,口味有點追不上,但亦是上佳表現,餘蘊又帶起了些味道,毫無疑問的正斗之作。


English Verion of Tasting Note

A friend of mine previously gave me a sample of GlenDronach of vintage 1993 from cask 2. Obviously the cask number is repeated for a vintage 1993 present bottling. As there is no ABV information, I have done some Internet searching but no luck. I was then asked my freind and realized that this bottle is from a private own cask. Since it is not on sales over the market, no information about this cask is available on the network. personal owner’s cask is by no mean a game to our ordinary people. Just drink, no question asks.

GlenDronach 19 years, 1993/2013, C# 2, 700 ml, 52.8%

Nose: Dried date, honeyed herb, liquorice, mint, light sulfide, toffee, ham and red apple
Palate: Dark chocolate, black tea, gunpowder, tar, plant ash, ham, brown sugar
Aftertaste: Long, coffee, black tea, charcoal
Comment: Rich black date sweet sense, honey baked Chinese herb and mint, acceptable sulfide, fatty toffee, followed by salty ham, balanced by little bit stone fruit. Strong body but smooth, complex and trend to charred taste. Long aftertaste, even charred and burning elements. Interesting dram, somehow its sulfide and gunpowder elements associating to Karuizawa, very good nose, complex taste and chewing aftertaste, without a doubt an outstanding dram.


GlenDronach 1993 C# 2

GlenDronach 1993 C# 2

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