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Posted by on 06/3/2015

山崎水楢桶威士忌 2011 Yamazaki Mizunara Cask Whisky


環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English Version at page bottom

前文介紹過水楢桶陳的威士忌,同時分享了山崎水楢 2012 的品飲報告,那現在喝喝其前一版的山崎水楢,看看其分別有多大。

Yamazaki 山崎 Mizunara 2011, 700 ml, 48%

氣味: 檀香,黑茶,椰子,香草,忌廉,微鹹,牛油(黃油)
口味: 忌廉,牛油糖,堅果,香草,鹹牛油,肉豆蔻,乾果皮
餘蘊: 稍短,堅果,新鮮木材,辛香料
結論: 氣味濃郁,滿滿的椰子和忌廉,不少得那"東方禪味"的檀香。豐厚,油潤,充滿牛油乳製品元素,配合些堅果和香料,溫潤豐富。餘蘊很不錯,有乾果和新鮮木材的森林氣息,有香料點綴,香軟舒適,但退卻得稍快。氣味香濃,口味豐富,結實而圓渾,平衡好層次佳,餘蘊雖略短但回味,正斗之好酒。

這 2011 年版和 2012 年版,在看酒評的比對上有分別,當然時間上差距和裝瓶樣本加上個人能力經驗的不足會有影響,但我仍然記得喝這兩款酒時的印象,2011 年版盲飲是覺得清新中見木材香料,2012 年版則圓渾中明顯有檀木元素,喝單一麥芽威士忌就是這麼有趣,永遠有驚喜。

English Version of Tasting Note

I have briefly introduced about the Mizunara Japanese oakd whisky and share a tasting note of Yamazaki Mizunara Cask 2012 Edition in my previous article and now taste its previous release.

Yamazaki Mizunara cask 2011, 700 ml, 48%

Nose: Sandalwood, black tea, coconut, vanilla, cream, little bit salty, butter
Palate: Cream, butterscotch, nutty, vanilla, salty butter, nutmeg, dried mandarin peel
Aftertaste: A bit short, nutty, flesh wood, nutmeg
Overall: Condense, full of coconut, salty butter and vanilla cream  black tea and sandalwood deepen the layer。Thick, coated with butter, seasoned by nuts and spices, rounded and smooth. Rich but  a bit short aftertaste, still chewing. Rich nose, solid, smooth and creamy, very balancing and layered, thought a bit short aftertaste, still good. An very good Japanese whisky, really good.

The tastes between this 2011 release and 2012 are quite different. It may be resulted from the time difference, samples condition and personal subjective influence but notwithstanding, I still remember the first impression on tasting these two drams, refreshing fruit and  spicy wood in 2012 release while creamy sandalwood in 2011 release. It is the fun for tasting single malt whiskies. You never know what surprise they bring to you.

Yamazaki Mizunara cask 2011

Yamazaki Mizunara cask 2011

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