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Posted by on 04/30/2015

簡單酒評 Springbank 15 years Release 4


環球美酒, 盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English version at page bottom



Springbank 15 years, Release 4, 700 ml, 46%

這是 Springbank 的十五年標準版,我喝的是樣本,酒主說這是 Release 4,其實我是第一次喝 Springbank 的十五年陳,甚麼 Release 我不太懂的,還是那一句,有酒便喝吧。

氣味: 岩鹽,草灰,燒烤蜜糖,甘草,蔗糖,黑朱古力
口味: 岩鹽,煙灰,咖啡渣,黑朱古力,柑皮,丁香
餘蘊: 中等長度,咖啡渣,焦木
結論: 氣味稍鹹和煙灰,超市蜜糖和蔗糖甜味後至,有點甘香的黑朱古力,甘涼的甘草。中等酒體,承繼氣味,更有勁的咖啡渣和黑朱古力,配上柑橘皮及香料,算是細緻。中等長度的餘蘊,更仍焦香。很好喝的酒,重味不過火,平衡工整,老廠 OB 的酒貴得來也不是白賺你的,正斗之酒。

English Version of Tasting Note

I am quite lazy in updating Sipping Malt these days. Just checked there are 180 WIP tasting notes. Yes, I am too busy at work and if I have such scarce spare time, priority to my family without a doubt. I will try my best to do more tasting and writing tasting notes.

A simple tasting note here.

Springbank 15 years, Release 4, 700 ml, 46%

This is a standard bottling of Springbank. What I tasted was a sample given by my friend. He said this Springbank 15 years is a release 4. It is my first Springbank 15 years that the release number is not really important to me….just drink!

Nose: Rock salt, grass ash, honey for BBQ, licorice, raw cane sugar, dark chocolate
Palate: Rock salt, ash, coffee grounds, dark chocolate, citrus peel, clove
Aftertaste: Medium length, coffee grounds, roasted wood
Conclusion: Salty and ashy smell, later supermarket grade honey and raw sugar comes, toasted dark chocolate, nice aroma. Medium body, main theme following the aroma, even toasty coffee grounds and chocolate, favored with citrus peel and spicy. Medium length aftertaste, further toasty. A lovely dram, heavy but not overly, balance and solid, that’s why you are willing to pay much more for OB whisky from reputable distillery.

Springbank 15 years

Springbank 15 years (Photo copied from Springbank official website)

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