Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 12/17/2014

回歸基礎 Arran Ten The Fundamental


環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English version at page bottom

Sipping Malt 的酒評中, 愛倫島 Island of Arran 威士忌的酒評不多, 但其實我於不同的場合中, 嘗試過超過十款的 Arran 威士忌, 包括多種的桶陳, 如 Amarone, St. Emillion, Pomerol, Madeira, Moscatel 及 Pinot Noir 等, 細數之下, 竟然未有喝過標準入門版。標準入門版應該是酒廠展示其基礎風格的酒款, 必定要一嘗。

Arran 10 years, 700 ml, 46%

十年酒基本酒款也以 ABV 46% 高度數裝瓶, 有誠意。

氣味: 啡糖,奶油,青草,拖肥,消化餅
口味: 咖啡,奶油,曲奇餅,多士,焦糖,丁香
餘蘊: 中等長度,咖啡渣,木質單寧
結論: 甜點的香甜,不過膩,很香的奶油,一抹的青草帶來清新氣息。中等酒體,沒有氣味上的甜,多了些烘焙的味道,有些丁香類的辛香料。中等長度的餘蘊,帶點乾的木質單寧,適度。以十年陳的酒來說,絕對是交足功課有餘,豐滿,直接,沒有太多的稜角,好喝,飲得過。


English Version of Tasting Note

There are only a few tasting notes about Arran whisky in Sipping Malt. In fact I did have tasted more than a dozen of different Arran malts in some tasting events, including some casks’ aged or finishing drams, such as Amarone, St. Emillion, Pomerol, Madeira, Moscatel and Pinot Noir but surprisingly I do not have tasted its standard basic bottling which should be a window of the distillery to demonstrate its fundamental style.

Arran 10 years, 700 ml, 46%

It looks very promising that a basic whisky is bottled at high proof of ABV 46%.

Nose: Brown sugar, cream, grass, toffee, digestive biscuit
Palate: Coffee, cream, cookie, toast, caramel, clove
Aftertaste: Medium length, coffee grounds, woody tannins
Conclusion: Sweetness of dessert, not excessive, lovely cream, refreshing grass. The dram at palate is lesser sweet on nose, much more baking, and some clove-like spicy. Medium length aftertaste, dry woody tannin, comfortable. It is a good whisky for a 10 years old standard bottling, rich, straight, rounded, noting to complain at this class of whisky and price tag.

Arran 10 years

Arran 10 years

Arran 10 years

Arran 10 years



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