Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 07/31/2014

典雅華麗的 Johnnie Walker XR


Please scroll down to the bottom for English version of tasting note. Thank you.

Johnnie Walker XR 說是以 Sir Alexander Walker 當年的親筆配方手稿為靈感,向其致敬之作。Sir Alexander Walker 可說是 Johnnie Walker 家族的傳奇人物,其祖父 John Walker 開創 了 JW 的傳奇,Sir Alexander Walker 則對 JW 的發展和成功有莫大的貢獻。有關其個人履歷,有興趣的讀者可到  JW 的官方網站細看,我不打算將這些網上較易取得的資訊於此黏貼了。

Johnnie Walker XR 於 2010 年首先於免稅市場推出,現時拓展至部份地區的零售市場。Johnnie Walker XR 是一款二十一年陳的調合威士忌。JW 說 XR 內含一些來自閉廠的罕有的桶藏如 Brora,其 XR 就是 Extra Rare 的意思。

JW XR 的包裝實在華麗,典雅和皇室的設計,以金色為主調,硬身厚紙盒,沉重厚玻璃的樽身,就外觀而言,毫無疑問是送禮佳品。


Johnnie Walker XR 21 years, 700 ml, 40%

氣味: 花蜜,淡煙燻,乾木頭,乾花,乾草,松香,香料
口味: 蜜餞,似有還無的輕泥煤,淡煙燻,黑咖啡,丁香
餘蘊: 中等長度,多士,橡木,咖啡渣
結論: 氣味偏重木質草本,木頭及松香稍重,但也是可以的,乾花及乾草的氣美很清香,令人舒暢。酒身非常柔順軟滑,以黑咖啡為主調,調入蜜餞中和,丁點的泥煤煙燻提供深度,全部也是輕柔適度,極佳的平衡,但稍欠力度。餘蘊也是輕軟柔和,有點水感。如果要以一些人或物去形式這款酒,我會認為是一位灑上雅淡花露水,輕聲耳語,令人酥軟的蘇州姑娘。這款酒是一款成功的調和威士忌,柔順易飲,令人喝得輕快愉悅,以免稅價及加上那華美包裝和高貴水精樽,絕對是物有所值。


English Version of Tasting Note

The creation of Johnnie Walker XR was inspired by the handwriting blending notes  of   Sir Alexander Walker and is purposed for salutation to him. Sir Alexander Walker is the grandson of the legendary Johnnie Walker, and indeed, Sir Alexander himself is  a legend in JW family too. He played a key role in JW’s development and success. For biography of Sir Alexander Walker, please refer to the official website of Johnnie Walker. I do not intend to copy and paste such easily available Internet information here.

John Walker XR was firstly launched on travel/duty free shops in late 2010 and is now available in retail markets of some districts. Johnnie Walker XR is a blended whisky with barrel aged for 21 years old. JW claimed that XR consists of some rare stocks including closed distillery of Brora, as to XR means Extra Rare.

The bottle and package of JW XR are luxury, golden color main themed thick carton box and heavy thick bottle in elegant and regal look design. By its presentation, it is without a doubt a good choice for gift.

Impressive presentation but how does it taste?

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years, 700 ml, 40%

Nose: Nectar, light smoke, woody, dried flower, hay, rosin, spicy
Palate: Preserved fruit, hints of peat, light smoke, dark coffee,clove
Aftertaste: Medium length, toast, oaky, coffee grounds
Conclusion: The note trends to grass herb, a bit overly in wood and rosin but still acceptable, fresh dried flower and hay, pleasurable. Very soft and smooth body, dominated by black coffee, stirred in sweety preserved fruit for balancing, deepening by lightly peat, smoke and spicy, very good balance despite of lacking strength. Medium length aftertaste, soft and smooth but a bit watery. To describe this dram by personification, I would say a softy whispering flossy woman in light make-up exhaling fragrance . This is a successful blended whisky that is smooth, pleasurable and easy to drink. JW XR is value for money for both self consumption and gift by taking the luxury presentation and duty free price into account.

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

Johnnie Walker XR 21 years

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