Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 08/20/2010

夏堡 XO 雅文邑


夏堡雅文邑 Chabot Armagnac 在香港零售店非常少見,一般見於各大免稅店。一方面白蘭地在香港已經式微,不少新進的型格人士視白蘭地為老土的酒品,另一方面,就算是喝白蘭地的,大部份飲家都會喝干邑,還要是大牌子的干邑,所以雅文邑 Armagnac 在香港真的不甚流行。不少買雅文邑的飲家,都是見她價錢比干邑便宜,又有些沒有留意白蘭地中干邑及雅文邑的分別,於是便開始了和雅文邑的邂逅,展開了另一段香蜜之戀,糾纏於飲家,干邑和雅文邑的 3P 關係之中….

Chabot XO Superior Armagnac, 700 ml, ABV 40

小弟早前喝過這個品牌的拿破崙級雅文邑(茶煲拿破崙),花果香氣怡人,酒質柔順,整體上素質不錯。現在且嚐嚐其進階版的 XO 級雅文邑的水準如何。

氣味: 濃郁花香,蜜餞,淡淡的肉桂
口味: 酒體厚實,蜜餞,花蜜,堅果,混合香料,柔和橡木丹寧
餘蘊: 頗長,主要延續蜜餞及柔順的橡木味道,溫暖感
結論: 濃厚花果香味,甜蜜,酒體厚實,橡木桶味柔順,很好喝。夏堡 XO 雅文邑於免稅店的價錢只是大品牌的 XO 級干邑的一半左右,且不管甚麼干邑及雅文邑與品牌的分別,純粹以喝白蘭地的享受計,這款夏堡 XO 雅文邑可算是抵飲之選。

夏堡 XO 雅文邑

夏堡 XO 雅文邑

夏堡 XO 雅文邑

夏堡 XO 雅文邑


  1. 你已經墮入另一個深淵了

    Welcome to join me~

    Cognac is one of the two AOC grape brandies in France. Cognac has a counterpart, Armagnac – it would be your their “Abyss".

    Glenlivet is a good whisky. I tasted only 18 years and heard 15 year French Oak is much better. It is selling at Freeduty for $550 a 1 ltr bottle.

  2. Last night my whisky out of stock I pick up hennessy vsop in the shelf. the taste was like never before. Sweet & fruity, although it seems the two flavors don’t link together. It felt like I got to know cognac again. My taste buds do better now than few months ago. back then, i just tasted strong alcohol & nothing else. I always wonder how veterens can spot many different flavors. I have a long way to go. I plan to go back to basic– glenlivet 12, or I will just waste the good stuff.

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