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Posted by on 08/4/2015

簡單酒評 GlenDronach 1992 Cask 392


環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English Version at page bottom

我在 Sipping Malt 介紹過好些 GlenDronach 的酒款了,單桶酒款之多,在 OB 來說可說是無出其右吧。以 OB 的單桶酒款價格來說,亦算是親民的吧。不打廣告了,沒有廣告費收的,還是繼續分享酒評好了。

GlenDronach 20 years, 1992/2012, C#392, 700 ml, 58.1%
Distilled: 3 July 1992
Bottled: December 2012
Cask type: Oloroso Sherry Butt
Number of bottles: 620

氣味: 蜜炙中藥,黑加倫子果醬,烤麵包,加烈酒,葡萄乾,肉桂,微鹹,黑蔗糖
口味: 牛奶朱古力,烏梅,出爐麥飽,葡萄乾,藥草,微鹹
餘蘊: 中等長度,黑朱古力,藥草
結論: 氣味濃厚,甘香蜜甜,豐富的果醬和乾果,亦有點葡萄酒的影子,末段有草藥香料及點點的鹹味調節。酒體厚實,濃郁,沉厚,甘苦平衡。中等長度,甘苦適度,舒適。很一貫的"中女"單桶多納,香濃甜美,亦有甘香焦苦平衡,要過雪莉單桶的癮,多納可真是造福平民飲家,那甚麼麥X倫等的,真的只可遠觀而不能褻玩吧。

(你又再賣廣告? 你說你真的沒收錢?)

English Version of Tasting Note

I have shared many tasting notes about GlenDornach at Sipping Malt here. GlenDronach should be the record keeper in the market for the most numerious OB single cask releases. Regarding to the price of its single cask bottlings, its price should be the most approachable amongst other distilleries. I had batter focus on sharing tasting notes rather than “advertising" for free here.

GlenDronach 20 years, 1992/2012, C#392, 700 ml, 58.1%
Distilled: 3 July 1992
Bottled: December 2012
Cask type: Oloroso Sherry Butt
Number of bottles: 620

Nose: Honey baked Chinese herb, blackcurrant jam, toast, fortified wine, raisin, cinnamon, little bit salty, raw cane sugar
Palate: Milk chocolate, preserved plum, fresh baked malt loaf, raisin, herb, again little bit salty
Aftertaste: Medium length, dark chocolate, herb
Comment: Strong aroma, toasty and sweet, jam and dried fruit, hints of wines, balanced the sweetness by bitterness of herb and salt. Full body, rich, solid, balance between bitterness and sweet. Medium length aftertaste, also balance and comfortable. A very typical well aged single cask GlenDronach, sweet rich and balance by toasty and bitterness. GlenDronach should be the best alternative for we laymen whisky lovers to “touch" Sherry single cask whisky. You know the price of Mxcxllxn single cask….

(Hey you do advertising again!!!!)

GlenDronach 20 years, 1992/2012, C#392 (photo copied from Internet)

GlenDronach 20 years, 1992/2012, C#392 (photo copied from Internet)

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