雜交雞 Hybrid Chick
Please scroll down to the bottom for English version of tasting note. Thank you.
廢話說完,來雜交雞吧。前文介紹了黑雞的 Black Grouse 和雪雞的 Snow Grouse,我喝的是酒友送我的樣本,雖則每款只有約有五十毫升,但真的不容易喝得完,我靈機一動,做調酒吧。
Black Grouse X Snow Grouse
氣味: 糖果,穀物,酵母,香草
口味: 蜜糖,多士,穀物,香草
餘蘊: 短,木質,辛辣感
結論: 這兩雞雜交後,有部份原本個別擁有氣味及味道竟然消失了,整體變得更簡單,再沒有甚麼值得評論,不過這令我了解到調酒師真的不易為,在調酒的領域內,一加一不一定等於二,調酒師需了解各酒廠的特色,加上每間廠出品不同陳年及桶形,與及調和一起的不同變化,這工夫就我看來,簡直就是神乎其技的不可能任務。
English Version of Tastong Note
The drams I tasted mentioned in previous two articles Black Grouse and Snow Grouse are samples from a friend of mine. Though each sample is measured only about 50 ml, it is not an EASY task to finish them all. An idea just comes across, blending them!
Black Grouse X Snow Grouse
Nose: Candy, cereal, yeast, vanilla
Palate: Honey, toast, cereal, vanilla
Aftertase: Short, woody, spicy hot
Overall comment: It is interesting that unexpected outcome from these two grouse hybrids. Some elements in individual have gone, that make this “son of the bird" even simple and flat, just merely drinkable. Notwithstanding the outcome of my blend is undesirable, I understood that the cellar masters and master blenders are truly professional. The 1+1 rule may not apply in blending of spirits. The blender shall have full picture of each distillery, and to deal with the combinations amongst different styles of spirit, effect of wood, length of ageing and such outcomes in geometric progression – what a mission impossible!