Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 09/17/2015

勞斯萊斯級價錢的 Macallan the Rolls-Royce….Price


環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English Version at page bottom

聽過有人稱麥卡倫 Macallan 為單一麥芽威士忌中的勞斯萊斯,酒質方面先不說,但酒價呢,由尤其以近年來說,則絕對稱得上勞斯萊斯級了。很多人一說起麥卡倫 Macallan, 尤其是酒質酒價這話題,總是爭論不休。其實與其說是爭論,倒不如說是抱怨,大多數的說法,不外乎都是說她近年酒質大不如前,沒有以往那麼雪莉,價錢越來越高,新品無年份賣高價,這價錢可有很多其他選擇….應該差不多了吧!



Macallan 25 years Sherry Oak, 700 ml, 43%

不得了,是麥卡倫 25 年雪莉桶陳哦!很明顯我是買不起的了,買得起也是不捨得開來喝的。又是多得老友的照顧,送我樣本,萬分感謝。來,豪一豪喝吧!

氣味: 舊蜜糖,黑糖,黑棗,肉桂,蜜炙中藥,葡萄乾,麥飽
口味: 焦香多士,葡萄乾,黑咖啡,丁香,薄荷,草藥
餘蘊: 中等長度,黑咖啡,焦木,草藥
結論: 氣味濃郁,黑色系列的深沉味道,甘甜,草本香料平衡,帶烘焙香氣的提子飽。中等酒體,溫婉柔潤,沒有氣味上的甜,較焦香,香料豐富。中等長度的餘蘊,起首甘醇的黑咖啡,後期焦木和草藥稍微偏苦。氣味非常濃郁甜美,是有點過甜,但真的甜的很誘人,酒體柔順,溫暖,但風味一轉為焦香和重香料,餘蘊承接,起承轉接上未夠暢順,但其實整體上表現出色。以市價近八千港元,名聞遐邇的名酒來算,雞蛋裡挑骨頭不為過吧。好酒,正斗之好酒。

English Version of Tasting Note

Some people said that Macallan is the Rolls-Royce of single malt whisky. I have no idea exactly who said that but just some people, OK? Skip the point about the quality at first, as to its price tags in recent years, Macallan is definitely claimed as Rolls-Royce class. This topic would raise many debates ,or correctly, complaints. Most connoisseurs grumble about its quality far away from the past, not “sherry" enough, price keeps rising, high price tag on NAS new products, many other choices at this price….something like that.

I just simply love to enjoy tasting whiskies as long as they are available and affordable. Let’s taste a Rolls-Royce class single malt to end this topic.

Macallan 25 years Sherry Oak, 700 ml, 43%

Oh dear! 25 years old Sherry oaked Macallan! Obviously it is out of my budget. Appreciate to a friend of mine gave me this precious sample.

Nose: Old honey, raw sugar, dried black date, cinnamon, honey baked Chinese herb, raisin, malt loaf
Palate: Toast, raisin, black coffee, toffee, clove, mint, herb
Aftertaste: Medium length, black coffee, char coal, herb
Comment: Rich aroma, black colored food, bittersweet, balancing spices and herbs, toasted raisin malt loaf. Medium body, soft and smooth, lesser sweet than nose, much toasty. Medium length aftertaste, aromatic black coffee at first, bitter herb and char coal followed.Very sweet notes and somehow excessive, but really attractive, mild but firm body, warming, but the sweet theme suddenly turned to toasty, feeling of abruptness. Notwithstanding that this is an excellent whisky. Please allow me to nitpick such an expensive and famous whisky.

Macallan 25 years Sherry Oak

Macallan 25 years Sherry Oak

Macallan 25 years Sherry Oak

Macallan 25 years Sherry Oak

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