Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 12/22/2014

回歸基礎 Glenmorangie Ten The Fundamental


環球美酒盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English version at page bottom

前文"回歸基礎 Arran Ten The Fundamental“說到, 喝了多款的 愛倫 Arran 威士忌, 卻竟然未有喝過入門版, 對認真的品飲來說, 這是不對的。其實除了愛倫 Arran 威士忌之外,  Glenmorangie 也是如此, 甚麼風味桶 Private Edition 和特別版也喝過不少, 就是未有喝過最基本的十年陳 Original。坐言起行, 要喝就喝。

Glenmorangie 10 years Original, 700 ml, 40%

氣味: 蜜糖,白麵包,放久了的啤酒,白胡椒,香草
口味: 燒烤蜜糖,白麵包,咖啡渣,白胡椒
餘蘊: 略短,木質,咖啡渣
結論: 起首有清潤的蜜糖,有些白麵包,那近似過氣啤酒的麥餿味不是太討好,末後有一抹辛香料和淡然的香草。酒體稍薄,味道繼承氣味,沒有了麥餿味,多了些甘苦。餘 蘊略短,輕柔的甘苦,舒適。一款非常輕清簡單易飲的酒,沒甚特別,除了氣味上的小瑕疵,整體上也不過不失。那評價呢?很明顯就是不過不失吧。


English Version of Tasting Note

Mentioned in the previous article “Arran Ten The Fundamental" that I had tasted some Arran malts but none of the basic bottling. It is not ideal to serious series tasting. I don’t want it happen on Glenmorangie series as I had tasted many of its casks seasoning, Private Edition and special bottlings. Let’s taste its basic bottling now.

Glenmorangie 10 years Original, 700 ml, 40%

Nose: Honey, plain white bread, leftover beer, white pepper, vanilla
Palate: Honey for BBQ, plain white bread, coffee grounds, white pepper
Aftertaste: Short, woody, coffee grounds
Conclusion: Starting from honey and plain white bread, dislike that left overnight beer, ended with a touch of spicy and vanilla. Thin body, palate inheres nose, sour malt gone, adding baking and bitterness taste。A bit short aftertaste, soft bitterness, comfortable。A simple and light dram, nothing special and remarkable, quite OK except for the minor defect on nose, a OK daily dram.

Glenmorangie 10 years Original

Glenmorangie 10 years Original

Glenmorangie 10 years Original

Glenmorangie 10 years Original


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