Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 09/19/2011



前文介紹過一款十五年陳的"蘇格登單一麥芽威士忌“,素質很好。小弟得到酒友的關照,獲得約 180 ml 份量的十二年陳版本,可以認真的好好品嚐這款威士忌了。

Glen Ord 12 years, Singleton, 700 ml, ABV 40%

品飲份量約 90 ml,分兩天試飲。

氣味: 蜜餞,乾棗,蜜炙藥草,淡淡的海藻
口味: 柔順,蜜糖,橙皮果醬,藥草,烤麥芽,煙燻
餘蘊: 中等長度,柑橘皮,烤麥芽
結論: 氣味香濃,酒身柔順,雖則層次不算複雜,但表現甚佳,各種香氣味道交錯融和,令人喝得十分舒暢,比起在之前於酒展中所試的一小口的印象好很多。


  1. 網上有位RALTY 的whisky review幾好睇, POM兄有無睇過??

  2. Rating whisky by using scale 0-100 involves quantifying the quality of whisky which is somehow personal & subjective.

    How can you give rating to three whiskies 81, 82 and 83? How can you judge those 1 mark amongst them?

    That’s why I just rate whiskies by my personal impression and worthy in terms of money.

  3. How do you feel about rating whisky by scores from 0 to 100?

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