簡單酒評 GlenDronach 22 years 1990/2012 C# 2966
環球美酒, 盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉 www.sippingmalt.com
English version at page bottom
現在來一個 GlenDronach 的簡單的酒評吧。
GlenDronach 22 years, 1990/2012, C# 2966, 700 ml, 55.1%
Cask type: Pedro Ximénez Sherry Puncheon
Distilled: 30 May 1990
Bottled: June 2012
Nos. of bottle: 539
這是一款 1990 年份酒,用 PX 甜雪莉酒桶陳了二十二年,在今時今日來說,這已算是老酒了。很明顯,我喝的是樣本。
氣味: 蜜餞,乾棗,拖肥,蜜炙中藥,甘草,薄荷
口味: 葡萄乾,乾棗,朱古力,甘草,肉桂,微鹹
餘蘊: 悠長,黑朱古力,柑橘皮,黑糖
結論: 氣味濃郁,充滿乾果和糖果的香甜,以蜜炙類中藥的平衡甜膩感,未段有薄荷的清涼感。酒體厚實,豐潤,濃甜的乾果,甘美的朱古力,肉桂和點點的鹹味提供風味。餘蘊悠長,適度的甘苦,耐咀嚼。這是一款平衡度很高的多納,不過甜,有甘苦的朱古力及藥材和香料平衡,喝起來濃郁但不過重,要慢慢的去細味,正斗之作。
English Version of Tasting Note
A simple tasting note of GlenDronach is here.
GlenDronach 22 years, 1990/2012, C# 2966, 700 ml, 55.1%
Cask type: Pedro Ximénez Sherry Puncheon
Distilled: 30 May 1990
Bottled: June 2012
Nos. of bottle: 539
This is a 1990 vintage GlenDronach which had been sleeping in the Pedro Ximénez sherry cask of number 2966 for 22 years. It is time to awake this sleeping beauty. This is a sample tasting.
Nose: Preserved fruit, dried date, toffee, honey baked Chinese herb, licorice, mint
Palate: Raisin, dried date, chocolate, licorice, cinnamon, little bit salt
Aftertaste: Long, dark chocolate, citrus peel, raw sugar
Conclusion: Rich smell, full of sweeties of dried fruit and candy, honey baked herb to balance the sweetness, mint refreshing at the end. Full body, thick, rich sweet dried fruit, fine chocolate, seasoning by little bit salt and spicy. Long aftertaste, appropriate bitterness, chewing. Very good balance, sweet but weighted by bitterness of chocolate, herb and spicy, rich but not bulky, worthy to take time enjoying, a very good dram.