Sipping Malt Whisky 微醺之醉 威士忌

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Posted by on 11/27/2014

青葱威水想當年 Aberlour a’Bunadh My Whisky Juvenile Memory


環球美酒, 盡在 Sipping Malt 微醺之醉

English version at page bottom

數年前第一次喝的桶裝濃度威士忌,就是 Aberlour a’Bunadh 。當年第一次喝這樣高酒精度和濃郁的威士忌,感覺非常震撼。 我接受得到這樣的酒,還佷欣賞,給了這款酒我個人最高的評價。到了今天,酒喝過不算多,但也不少了, 對酒的分析, 也有自己的一套看法, 現在回想常起來,會不會是我當年見識少,才會有驚為天人的感覺呢?

多年後的今天, 重遇 Aberlour a’Bunadh,再喝喝回味吧。

Aberlour A’bunadh Batch 47, 700 ml, 60.7%

氣味: 糖薑,肉桂,炭燒烏梅,拖肥,煙燻,薄荷
口味: 朱古力,肉桂,葡萄乾,麥飽,煙葉,炭燒咖啡
餘蘊: 悠長,黑咖啡,焦木,煙葉
結論: 氣味濃郁,甜中帶微辣的糖薑,帶煙燻的烏梅,甜美的拖肥,結尾香料。酒體結實有力,濃厚,飽滿,優質的朱古力,提子麥飽的烘焙,佬味的煙葉,點點的肉桂,很好喝。悠長的餘蘊,焦香,溫暖感。這款酒濃郁豐厚,結實有力不過火,甘苦香甜兼備,平衡豐富,只是稍欠細緻,毫無疑問,正斗之作。

後記: 我當年喝的 Aberlour a’Bunadh,是這批次, Aberlour a’bunadh, Batch 20, 700 ml, 60.5% 。Batch 20 的 Aberlour a’Bunadh, 可是名家眼中的高分之作哦。

English Version of Tasting Note

My first cask strength whisky was an Aberlour a’Bunadh tasted in 6 years ago. It was my first time to drink such a high proof and rich whisky, awesome, what I felt. I accepted such a whisky and even appreciated and I scored this dram onto the top grade of my rating. Today, I have tasted many different drams. I have built a set of my rating standard. I wonder if I did over-rate this whisky owing to my narrow perspective?

Recently I meet again the Aberlour a’Bunadh after all these years. Will I feel the same?

Aberlour A’bunadh Batch 47, 700 ml, 60.7%

Nose:  Preserved ginger, charred preserved plum, toffee, tobacco, mint
Palate: Chocolate, cinnamon, raisin,  malt loaf, tobacco, charred coffee
Aftertaste: Long, black coffee, burnt wood, tobacco
Conclusion: Rich in smell, sweet yet hot ginger, sweet yet sour smoky plum, sweet toffee and ended with spicy. Powerful body, thick, full, fine chocolate, baked raisin bread, manly man tobacco, seasoned with cinnamon, good. Long aftertaste,  toasted, feeling warm.  This dram is of thick and strong but not excessive, rich in favors and balancing, just somehow lacking of detailing, excellent whisky without a doubt.

P.S. My fist cask strength whisky, that Aberlour a’Bunadh I tasted was this batch, Aberlour a’bunadh, Batch 20, 700 ml, 60.5%. This batch is deemed classic by many connoisseurs indeed.

Aberlour A'bunadh Batch 47

Aberlour A’bunadh Batch 47

Aberlour A'bunadh Batch 47

Aberlour A’bunadh Batch 47



  1. 家中有一支batch 45一支 batch 48, 打算聖誕節晚上開一支黎飲, 真係諗起都幸福.

    • 45 好飲,48 未飲過。呢個系列的酒真不錯。

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