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Posted by on 10/2/2008

麻甩會 – 十月號

一個供麻甩聚會的地方 – 十月號


  1. Oh, sorry, I wrongly checked the “匿名" box.

  2. I used to do hiking once a week but I have stopped from this activity for half year. I will back to the country side later and count you in~

  3. yes, i like hiking. But, about 10 years ago. After work, I seldom to go to hiking.

    if you have any hiking activity, I want to join.

  4. Hello, nice to meet you~

    If you do love hiking, wine & whiskey appreciation, you are welcome to share your experience.

  5. 哈囉, Pomerol82!!

    小分弟初到貴境, 請多多指教.

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